
You can transfer your donation directly via this Twint QR code with the note "Save the Glaciers".


You can transfer your donation directly via this Twint QR code with the note "Save the Glaciers".



The Foundation

The Foundation Cover Project Foundation is working with scientists and universities to preserve glaciers as freshwater reservoirs around the world.

Thomas Spiegelberg (Präsident)

For more than 30 years, Thomas Spiegelberg has been successfully active in the national and international cable cars market as a manufacturer of cable cars of all kinds. As an engineer FH in mechanical engineering, his main interest lies in the construction of complex and innovative solutions for the optimal customer application. For this reason, as Vice President of the Board of Directors of BARTHOLET AG Seilbahnen, he is directly involved in this future-oriented project of glacier snowmaking and believes that he can make a positive contribution to glacier preservation and drinking water storage.

Claus Dangel (Vize Präsident)

Claus Dangel ist CEO der Bächler Top Track AG. Die Bächler Top Track AG ist ein weltweiter Anbieter von individuellen Lösungen in den Bereichen Schneebearbeitung und Beschneiung.

Dr. sc. nat. ETH Felix Keller

In addition to his scientific activities, Felix Keller is also a active member of the Glaciers Alive association and the president of the Cover Project Foundation.

Dr. sc. tech. ETH Dieter Müller

HSLU – Hauptamtlicher Dozent Wasserbau (Lehre/Forschung & Entwicklung)

Markus Moser (Kassier)

Geschäftsleitung Corvatsch, Diavolezza und Lagalb.


The funded projects aim to support people who are highly dependent on the melt water supply from glaciers and to protect the environment. At least 200 million people worldwide will face water shortages if their glaciers disappear.

Eine neue ökologische Technik der Beschneiung
zum Schutz großer Gletscher ohne Einsatz von elektrischem Strom befindet sich in Entwicklung, während Abdeckungen zum Schutz kleinerer Gletscher verwendet werden sollen.








